
Realise your full potential


I. Words


  • 1. po.ten.tial  [pəʊ'tenʃl]
n.  潜在性, 可能性
 I am don't think I am archiving full potential in my present Job.
 I don't feel I'm achieving my full potential in my present job.
<think : to believe something or have an opinion or idea:>
<feel : to experience something physical or emotional:>
<think 是对外在事物的总结,feel是对自身的物质的或者精神的感受>
< achieve/əˈtʃiːv/ 完成 not archive  [ 'ɑːkaɪv] 归档 >

adj.  有潜力的, 潜在的, 可能的
My potential cus.tom.ers(砍死他妈的--客户就是喜欢砍价) are waiting for a fall in price before buying.
Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.
<Many not My >

  • 2. seize [sɪːz]  v.  抓住; 夺取; 捉住; 攻占; 抓住, 捉住; 利用; 夺取; 卡住, 咬住
I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me.




II. phrase [freɪz] not phase  [feɪz]


1. quest for knowledge

quest /kwest/ 


n.  寻找; 探索; 追求
v.  寻找; 跟踪搜寻; 寻求; 吠叫; 寻求, 探求; 请求, 要求

2. take charge of my career

3. our subject matters expertise
subject  [sub·ject || 'sʌbʒɪkt]
n.  题目, 科目, 主题 
v.  使隶属, 使受到
adj.  受他国统治的, 受制于...的, 未独立的
matter  [mat·ter || 'mætə(r)]
n.  事件, 原因, 物质
v.  有关系, 要紧; 化脓
expertise  [ex·per·tise || ‚ekspɜː'tiːz]
n.  专家的意见; 专门技术

3. be part of sth. big

4. will to get challenge and go into sth now




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